Monday, 1 August 2011

First attempt at sculpting

Here's my very first attempt at sculpting. I've never used greenstuff before and this is still a work in progress. The recent chat on Dropship Horizon about alien races inspired me to try and create a non-humanoid species. My 4 year old daughter thinks it should be called a Snurtle because it looks like a cross between a snail and a turtle.

This isn't exactly how it was planned but once I'd started the figure kinda grew itself. I hadn't planned on the carapace and the head to look how it does but I hope it looks okay. I still need to work on the weapon but never having worked with greenstuff before I've no idea how to work in small detail.


Omer Golan-Joel said...


Martin said...

That looks both cool and very different from what's available out there.

Definitely a fan of the snurtle. Keep it up!

Lead Addict said...

I like it all, except the gun. What kind of weapon would the snurtle have to fight its natural enemies on its planet and survive? Surely not a Human rifle. Push the envelope.

Love your blog by the way.

Matt said...

Glad the article had a positive impact! I look forward to seeing more!

Colin Baillie said...

Thanks for the great feedback. I'm not sure what to do with the gun. My initial idea for the aliens were that they had assimilated other cultures technology but that's just being lazy.
I want to build up what I have so far but I'm finding it difficult working on something so small. I'll aim to make it a more organic/grown object.

David said...

The snutle makes me think hermit crab which makes me think of the seaside and water-smoothed shapes. So, the snutle may have a rifle/harpoon, but the mechanisms should be shaped like lots of ovoids.

Hope this helps.

Craig A. Glesner said...

Very cool. I like the legs, they look really groovy.

Umpapa said...

Love them. Want buy platoon of them (just more poses). I am afraid there would be problem with production (moulds!)

Zrunelord said...

Hey ,
I know this is a very old post ( I cam here via LAF ) but would it be possible to have someone do a 3d model(s) of this one.? With the common availability of home 3d printers it would be easy to print a number of these.
