Saturday 29 October 2011

Fyoder Industries Construction Vehicles

Back from holiday and I really need to get the blog updated. I've got some Oddzial Osmy Vistula Legion on order, I've got a great new 15mm APC from Antenociti's Workshop getting painted, and I need to get more Spugs painted so I can post them up.

I've also been wanting to make some construction vehicles for my scifi project - nothing hi-tech, just some diggers/earth movers - but I really didn't want to steal my little boys toy cars. So it was lucky when I was in the local Poundland discount store that we saw a set of really cheap construction toys for £1. They weer of particularly poor quality but I thought that this little digger would maybe have som potential. Purchase made, I cam home, undercoated it black, and got painting. It was great fun and I think it came out really nicely. It's slightly big for 15mm but that's okay as I can justify it as being "scifi big". I need to work on a driver, or I could just use this as a terrain piece. The mini-mule is from Ground Zero.

Monday 10 October 2011

Holiday time

It's been a while since I posted anything on here. I've been distracted with a large commision and getting a few bit's onto eBay. Now I'm heading off on holiday with the family. Hopefully when I get back from Italy I'll still have some money in the bank and I may order myself some new figures - possibly some of these...