Saturday, 18 January 2014


Hi all, Just a quick update to say that this blog is not dead... I've just been distracted by another project. I'm currently working on a 15mm Napoleonic project which means I've not been buying or painting any new 15mm scifi minis. I will return to this at some point, probably after reading a scifi book or watching a scifi film that reignites my interest.

If you're interested in what I'm doing in the meantime visit for my blog on my 1800 Austrian army and the Battle of Marengo.



Paul said...

Having only just discovered your blog and all its 15mm sci-fi goodness, I'm glad to hear that it hasn't finished!!

commissarmoody said...

He's alive!

Darryl R. Smith said...

Not Nappies! Say it isn't so? :) I've been bitten by the Napoleonic bug more than once, but I think I have finally gotten the right treatment and am on the long road to recovery! Hope to see more of your sci-fi musings soon!