Tuesday 23 April 2013

PowerArmour Squad - Eastway National Army

Renamed the Eastway National Army, in recognition of the original city guards still being in service, the ENA are starting to finalise some of its core units.

The first core unit is a PowerArmoured unit, which includes specialist troopers that are armed with new alien tech weaponry. This alien weaponry is rumoured to have been supplied by a race that is aligned against the Federal Forces.


Jay said...

Very nice clean paint work; and the cammo pattern seems just the right size for 15mm.

ArmybitsUK said...

Loving it!

Sadly thats the first time Ive seen a painted example of the heavier weapons and to be honest, I was unsure on the 'alienesque' weapon, however seeing it all painted I really like it. It is a higher tech then then standard infantry weapons, however the PA troopers were supposed to have the latest and greatest. This being straight from the lab :)

Colin Baillie said...

Keith, I thought the weapon was great, straight out of District 9 in style. I'd love to see more of those. My only quibble would be that that guys helmet is strangely wider, but thats a tiny issue.

Gunrunner said...

Good work Colin. i'm enjoying seeing how people are dealing with Keith's new offerings!

commissarmoody said...

They are coming together nicely.

Kull said...

Is this blog dead?????